Homelessness, chronic unemployment, low education and financial illiteracy are all obstacles in the path of prosperity. We are here to help you to succeed and to improve the quality of life for you and your loved ones.


Our Health Initiative Vision Statement:

ACToday is striving towards a healthier and safer environment for us all.

million children and teens were affected by obesity between 2017 and 2020 (1)
of teens participate in recommended physical activity (2)
1 %
higher for men than for women is the overall mortality rate (3)
1 %

Sources:  1. Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and ObesityNational Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion  2. Merlo CL, Jones SE, Michael SL, et al. Dietary and Physical Activity Behaviors Among High School Students — Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2019. MMWR Suppl 2020;69(Suppl-1):64–76.  Division of Population HealthNational Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion  3. Griffiths, C. (2023, June 22). Men’s Health Month: Five things to know medicine.iu.edu.  https://medicine.iu.edu/blogs/spirit-of-medicine/mens-health-month#:~:text=The%20overall%20mortality%20rate%20is,feelings%20of%20depression%20or%20anxiety.




We provide healthy meals that are rich in vitamins.

Our fitness staff instructs fun exercises.


We teach the science of health and fitness.


"We help families create a financial environment that best supports their needs."
Amber channis
Financial Adviser

Join the cause

Join our financial stability workshop to get more information on what we have to offer.