Homelessness, chronic unemployment, low education and financial illiteracy are all obstacles in the path of prosperity. We are here to help you to succeed and to improve the quality of life for you and your loved ones.

small business

Our Small Business Vision Statement:

ACToday is striving to support small businesses and entrepreneurs fully.

Let’s show our aspiring business owners that we care.  Join us with the Workace program as we assist first-time business owners to achieve their financial goals with sustainability.  Learn More.

Find your mindset for success in business.  It is not out of your reach.  We will help you find it.  Learn More.

of new businesses fail within the first two years (1)
1 %
of all us businesses are small businesses (2)
1 %
million small businesses do not have any employees (3)

Sources:  1. Deane, M. (2024, April 1).  Top 6 Reasons New Businesses Fail.  Investopedia.com.  https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/1010/top-6-reasons-new-businesses-fail.aspx#:~:text=Data%20from%20the%20BLS%20shows,to%2015%20years%20or%20more.  2.  Main, K. (2024, January 31).  Small Business Statistics of 2024.  Forbes.com.  https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/small-business-statistics/  3.  Main, K. (2024, January 31).  Small Business Statistics of 2024.  Forbes.com.  https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/small-business-statistics/


"We help families create a financial environment that best supports their needs."
Amber channis
Financial Adviser

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Join our small business workshop to get more information on what we have to offer.