Our Impact

Our Vision Statement:

ACToday is working to positively affect any adverse statistics in health, education, the environment, homelessness, elder care and financial security.

of all marine litter consists of plastics (1)
1 %
million high school students drop out annually (2)
years earlier than the average american, many homeless people die (3)

Sources:  1. Carney Almroth B, Eggert H. Marine plastic pollution: sources, impacts, and policy issuesReview of Environmental Economics and Policy. 201913(2): 317–326. DOI: 10.1093/reep/rez012 [CrossRef] [] [Ref list]  2. Miller, Tony. “Partnering for Education Reform.” U.S. Department of Education. Accessed February 18, 2015.  3. https://www.hudexchange.info/homelessness-assistance/ahar/#2022-reports

There is always someone who needs a helping hand.  In order for us to be at our best, we must help one another to improve.  There is no time to waste.  We must ACToday.

1 %

of children live in food-insecure households 

1 %

of high school freshmen fail to graduate from high school on time 

1 %

of babies abandoned by parents are exposed to drugs

ACToday faces the most significant barriers to an individual’s success head on.  We fight for the homeless, the marginalized, the underprivileged, the at-risk, the unemployed, the undernourished

…we fight for the forgotten.

1 +

parents and children have benefited from our food initiatives and nutritional partnerships


elementary, middle school and high school students combined received training and needed supplies to excel in school


teen mothers have benefited from our young parenting and supportive services 

Our Mission

ACToday’s mission is to aid in the development of the underprivileged and marginalized and to pursue solutions to the underlying causes of poverty through education and empowerment.

We find ACToday-Awesome ways to improve situations and find creative solutions to serious problems.  It’s rewarding and it’s a lot of work but we don’t do it alone.

discover how you can actoday

featured programs

Helping at risk students between the ages of 13 and 19 to succeed both personally as well as professionally

Environmental initiative focusing on reducing pollutants and increasing air quality

Initiative assisting students to attend college and to excel in their chosen fields

Initiative focused on keeping our Awesome elder community fit, active and fun

Environmental initiative teaching students valuable principles of horticulture, camping, hiking and pollution reduction.

Helping families to achieve stability through our affordable housing program 


Join the cause

Join our ACToday workshop to get more information on what we have to offer.