Awesome Opportunities

ACToday Career Opportunities


job opportunities currently available


ACToday is looking for an Awesome Project Manager (APM) for the overall management of the branches of the Treetop Program. He or She will be the point of contact and support for grantors and grantees. This is a full-time, remote opportunity.
Expiry date: Dec 2025


ACToday is looking for an Heroic Hiring Manager (HHM) to work closely with program teams and external stake holders to advance our mission and vision. Responsibilities include scheduling, meeting logistics, documentation and personnel assessment. This is a full-time, remote position.
Expiry date: Dec 2025

Real eastate

ACToday is looking for a Radical Real Estate Agent (RREA) to advance our mission and vision through the procurement and management of safe and secure properties. The RREA will work directly with the ACToday Affordable Housing Program (AAHP), APM, HHC and EOC. This is a full-time, remote position.
Expiry date: Dec 2025


ACToday is looking for an Excellent Fundraiser Engineer (EFE). This role is for an individual who has experience grant-writing and database management. Our EFE will be focused on advancing the ACToday mission. This is a full-time, remote opportunity.
Expiry date: Dec 2025


ACToday is looking for a Excellent Outreach Coordinator (EOC)* to support growth initiatives, coach staff members and ensure that our Outreach Team operates seamlessly. Responsibilities include management and team development, recruit and train teams. This is a full-time, remote position.
Expiry date: Dec 2025


ACToday is looking for a Happy Housing Coordinator (HHC) to refer and connect general clients with safe, secure shelter in the form of permanent and emergency housing. The HHC will work directly with the RREA and EOC to advance the ACToday mission and vision. This is a full-time, remote position.
Expiry date: Dec 2025

*There are currently two (2) of the EOC positions available.